Top Reasons To Get A Cheap Drone

The rise of affordable drones has revolutionised the landscape for hobbyists and enthusiasts, providing a new avenue for creativity and exploration without the hefty price tag associated with professional-grade equipment. These inexpensive drones offer numerous benefits that make them a popular choice among amateurs and those just dipping their toes into the world of aerial photography, racing, and basic videography.

Accessibility and Affordability

One of the primary benefits of cheap drones is their accessibility. With prices often under £100, these drones open up the hobby to a much broader audience. They are available in a variety of models, each catering to different needs and skill levels, from simple, ready-to-fly models for beginners to more advanced drones with additional features that cater to more experienced users. This affordability allows enthusiasts to experiment and learn without the financial burden often associated with high-end technology.

Educational Value

Cheap drones provide an excellent educational opportunity for all ages. They can be used to teach principles of aerodynamics, electronics, and robotics in an engaging way. Many schools and educational programs now incorporate drone flying into their curriculum, recognising the potential these tools have to stimulate interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects. For hobbyists, learning to operate and customise their drones can also lead to a deeper understanding of physical and engineering concepts.

Ease of Use

Most low-cost drones are designed with beginners in mind, featuring user-friendly controls and stabilisation features that make flying easier. This simplicity encourages more people to try drone piloting as a hobby, without the intimidation of complex setups and controls. Additionally, many models come with features such as one-button takeoff and landing, automatic hover, and pre-programmed flight paths, which greatly simplify the flying experience.

Photography and Videography

For those interested in photography and videography, cheap drones are a gateway into aerial imaging. Equipped with cameras, these drones can capture perspectives that were once only possible with expensive equipment and access. Hobbyists can explore aerial photography, capturing landscapes, architecture, and events from unique vantage points. While the camera quality on cheaper drones may not match that of higher-end models, it is sufficient for amateur use and a great tool for learning the basics of aerial photography.

Community and Recreation

The drone flying hobby has fostered a vibrant community of enthusiasts who share tips, experiences, and modifications. Clubs and online forums offer opportunities for hobbyists to connect and learn from each other, enhancing the recreational value of drone flying. Furthermore, drone racing has emerged as a popular sport, with competitions held worldwide. Cheap drones allow more people to participate in these events, promoting a competitive yet inclusive environment.


Most inexpensive drones are lightweight and compact, making them ideal for travel and outdoor activities. Hobbyists can easily carry their drones to different locations, providing the flexibility to fly and record in diverse settings, from local parks to holiday destinations.

Environmental Monitoring

Even hobbyist-level drones can contribute to environmental conservation efforts. They can be used to monitor wildlife, track changes in landscapes, and even support reforestation projects by mapping out planting areas. This application not only adds a meaningful aspect to the hobby but also encourages a greater appreciation and understanding of environmental issues.

In conclusion, the proliferation of cheap drones has democratised the field of aerial technology, opening up a multitude of opportunities for enthusiasts to explore, learn, and connect. Whether it’s capturing stunning aerial photos, learning about robotics, or simply enjoying the thrill of flying, the benefits of engaging with this affordable technology are vast and varied. As the technology continues to evolve, the potential for hobbyists to innovate and enjoy their passion in new ways will undoubtedly expand.